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Produced in France in the 1720 s, popular French aristocracy, and between the
rococo style mainly in residence, have no influence for the church. Rococo style is
characterized by: indoor application and lively color and fine decoration, not like a
baroque style color is strong, adornment more. Rococo delicate and gentle, like to use arcs
and s-shaped line, particularly like shell, spiral, rock was used as decoration, grass
ShuHua, lingering in front, become an organic whole repeatedly. Ceiling and metope sometimes
connected to surface. The corner decorated murals. Interior wall paint, love with pale
green, pink, rosy, such as bright light, crural line mostly in gold. Rococo style reflects
the French Louis at a quarter to generation of palace life fun, was popular in Europe. This
style of the Paris is the representative work Sue give princess palace salon and Versailles
queen bedroom.